Conference Session video recording

Shiva, Karthik, Tushar, Sidharth, Puneet, Ajay, Manoj, Yashwant, Vishal.

Avermedia (HDMI+audio-in)  + DSLR (over USB)  ==> 2 setups
Epiphan + DSLR (over USB)   + EasyCap ==> 1 setup
Epiphan + DSLR (over USB)   + default-audio-in ==> 1 setup

List of Problems encountered:

  1. Avermedia doesn't show stable blue light on connecting to computer (driver problem).
  2. Audio not working with avermedia.
  3. Latest Mac HDMI (HDCP) signal issue.
  4. RE central crashed a couple of times
  5. OBS Crash
  6.  Batteries not performing well
  7. Non original chargers having problems
  8.  Inadequate numbers of working batteries and chargers
  9. Cards getting full due to high quality video settings
  10. OBS dropping frames and audio quality getting affected
  11. Tripods with ball heads are difficult to operate.
  12. Insufficient cards
  13. Noise sources - collar mic battery and wires issues, interference with other sources of signals
  14. Avermdia is very unpredictable,  it suddenly stops working
  15. collar mic not working well -  not enough battery
  16. insufficient USB ports on the laptop.

Solutions to problems:

  1. Avermedia doesn't show stable blue light on connecting to computer (driver problem).
    - Re-install RE-Central .. This re-installs the drivers. Of course this is not a quick solution and some part of the session video will be lost when we do this. 
